What is Sigmoidoscopy and Colonoscopy?
Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are endoscopic procedures used to examine the lower digestive tract. While they share some similarities, they differ in the extent of examination and specific applications.
- Examines the rectum and lower portion of the colon (sigmoid colon)
- Takes approximately 15-20 minutes
- Usually requires minimal bowel preparation
- Can be performed without sedation
- Used for:
- Screening for colorectal cancer
- Evaluating rectal bleeding
- Investigating lower bowel symptoms
- Examines the entire large intestine
- Takes 30-60 minutes
- Requires complete bowel preparation
- Usually performed under sedation
- Used for:
- Complete colorectal cancer screening
- Polyp removal
- Diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease
- Investigation of unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms
Diagnostic Capabilities
Both procedures can detect:
- Polyps
- Inflammation
- Bleeding sources
- Abnormal growths
- Ulcers
Preparation Requirements
- Sigmoidoscopy:
- Enema or mild laxative
- Limited diet modification
- Colonoscopy:
- Complete bowel cleansing
- Clear liquid diet
- Strong laxative preparation
Follow-up Care
- Recovery monitoring
- Gradual return to normal diet
- Review of findings
- Scheduling of future screenings
- Management of any detected conditions
Potential Complications
- Bleeding
- Perforation
- Infection
- Reaction to sedation (colonoscopy)
- Discomfort or cramping