5 Unavoidable Symptoms of Acid Reflux & How to fix them

Are you experiencing chest pain or difficulty swallowing? If you’ve been dealing with the uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptoms of acid reflux, you’re not alone. But fear not, because today, we’re diving into some remedies that can help ease your symptoms and bring you much-needed relief. Let’s get started!

Today, we are diving into the world of gastroenterology and understanding the common symptoms of acid reflux that can accompany this pesky condition. To help us navigate through these symptoms, Dr. Raajeev Hingorani, an expert gastroenterologist in Mumbai will be shedding light on the ins and outs of acid reflux and its various manifestations. Let’s get started!


Let’s kick things off with the classic symptom of acid reflux – heartburn. This unpleasant sensation often feels like a burning in your chest and throat, caused by stomach acid making its way back up into the oesophagus. According to Dr. Rajeev Hingorani, certain triggers like spicy foods, caffeine, and stress can exacerbate heartburn. To manage this symptom, he suggests avoiding acidic and spicy foods, eating smaller meals, and staying upright after eating to reduce acid reflux episodes.


Next up, we have regurgitation, which is often mistaken for vomiting but is actually a distinct symptom of acid reflux. Regurgitation occurs when stomach contents flow back into the oesophagus, leading to that unpleasant taste of stomach acid in your mouth. Dr. Raajeev Hingorani advises that maintaining an upright posture after meals and avoiding lying down immediately after eating can help prevent regurgitation episodes.

Chest Pain

One of the more alarming symptoms of acid reflux is chest pain, which can mimic the sensation of a heart attack. This discomfort is caused by the irritation of the oesophagus due to stomach acid refluxing upwards. Dr. Raajeev Hingorani emphasizes the importance of differentiating between acid reflux-related chest pain and cardiac issues. If you experience severe or persistent chest pain, it’s crucial to seek medical attention promptly.

Difficulty in Swallowing

Have you ever felt like food is getting stuck in your throat? This sensation, known as dysphagia, can be a symptom of acid reflux. The inflammation and narrowing of the oesophagus caused by repeated exposure to stomach acid can make swallowing difficult. Dr. Raajeev Hingorani recommends identifying and avoiding trigger foods, staying hydrated, and seeking medical evaluation if difficulty swallowing persists.

Chronic Cough

Did you know that a chronic cough can be linked to acid reflux? When stomach acid irritates the throat, it can trigger a persistent cough that may not respond to typical cough remedies. Dr. Raajeev Hingorani suggests lifestyle modifications such as elevating the head of your bed, avoiding large meals before bedtime, and consulting with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment of an acid reflux-related cough.

How to heal Acid Reflux?

If you’re looking to tame the flame of acid reflux, making some simple lifestyle changes can go a long way. Maintaining a healthy weight is key, as excess pounds can put pressure on your stomach and lead to more frequent reflux episodes. Additionally, try eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day to keep your stomach from getting too full and triggering acid production. Avoiding trigger foods like citrus, spicy dishes, and caffeine can also help minimize your symptoms. And remember, after you eat, try to stay upright for at least a couple of hours to give your food time to properly digest.

What you eat can have a big impact on your acid reflux symptoms. Some foods can actually help soothe the burn, like ginger, oatmeal, and bananas. Consider incorporating more of these reflux-friendly options into your diet. Probiotics can also be beneficial in promoting a healthy gut, which may help reduce reflux symptoms. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and help keep your stomach acid levels in check. Steer clear of alcohol and carbonated beverages, as they can exacerbate reflux symptoms.

Additionally, there are some quick lifestyle changes you can try at home to ease your acid reflux symptoms?  if nighttime reflux is a problem for you, consider elevating the head of your bed to help prevent acid from creeping up while you sleep. Maintain good weight, do some yoga, basic exercise if permissible, to reduce GERD related/reflux related symptoms.

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up our journey through the common symptoms of acid reflux, remember that everyone may experience these symptoms differently. It’s essential to pay attention to your body and seek medical advice if you are experiencing frequent or severe symptoms of acid reflux. Remember, everyone’s body is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. It’s always a good idea to consult with a good Gastroenterologist before making any significant changes to your routine. But with a little experimentation and some patience, you can find the right combination of remedies that work best for your Gut Health. Here’s to happier, healthier days ahead – free from the burn of acid reflux!

Consult Dr. Raajeev Hingorani, Expert Gastroenterologist in Mumbai

Dr. Raajeev Vijay Hingorani is a Mumbai-based Super-specialist in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy, currently practising at Gastronaut Clinic Kandivali and Mira Road. (16+ years of experience). Featured in Times of India, Hindustan, Forbes India, Vashi Times and Radio Talk Show on 91.1 Radio City


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